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Spatial Sound Visualization

Sound Hologram is a creative platform that can generate, position, and move a sound source in space in response to people's actions and/or object movements. Sound Hologram combines Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) and Motion Tracking (MT) technologies using 3D digital twin technology for integration, control, and visualization (Unity). With Sound Hologram, visitors can hear and control three-dimensional sounds directly around them without headphones. The sound appears “magically” as an audio hologram floating in mid-air and moving in response to people’s actions and the movement of other objects in space. 

Collaborators: Carissa Chou 

Duration: 2 weeks

Skills: Motion Tracking, Projection Mapping, Unity, Figma, Adobe Illustrator

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Concept Generation & Ideation

 In this experience, for example, people could pick up physical objects to trigger sound sources that will float in mid-air–water, birds, planes, musical notes, anything–co-creating larger immersive soundscape experiences on their own to play, explore, and share with others. These objects could be hand-made or crafted things made of wood, clay, or even cardboard, i.e., they do not need to integrate hardware, batteries, or speakers. Although highly interactive, there are no screens, headphones, or apparent digital technology at play. Based on that we created different representation of how people in the space could visualize the sound.

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After initial sketching and different symbolic iterations we experimented with the particle system in unity and created our own language to communicate the sound. 

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