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Expo 2025 

Exploring India Pavilion to blend India's cultural heritage with its innovative future, focusing on agriculture, healthcare, and infrastructure through interactive and narrative-driven design.

(Interaction Design, Physical computing, Physical & Digital prototyping, Research-driven)

Duration: 6 weeks

Skills:  Strategy, Exhibit Experience, Rhino, Keyshot, Digital Fabrication  

Envisioning India's 2030 goal of becoming a self-reliant nation.

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From traditional practices to technological advancements in India's healthcare.
This project is research-driven, with a strong emphasis on in-depth analysis and evidence-based insights to guide the design and development process.
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Conceptualizing the exhibition space to understand the flow 
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Section 3
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A holistic process of designing an interactive exeprience
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Ideating on Co-Creative Experiences to Showcase India’s Future Approach

The development process focused on creating an engaging, collaborative environment where visitors interact with content and each other, leading to the concept of a DNA interaction feature that symbolizes India's forward-thinking approach to biotechnology and a healthier future society.


Visitors approach the interaction, based on the indication they step on the mark which activates the DNA installation. 


This encourages other visitors in the space to collaborate and see the development in the DNA structure.

This experience translates into actual data for medical development from plants.

Physically computing the interaction for an immersive experience

For the interaction, I did high fidelity prototyping by digitally fabricating a DNA structure and 3D printing it. Then I imbedded electronics into the model and coded the interaction to capture the responsive interaction experience. 

Crafting a looped experience that connects the past, present, and future, guiding visitors through a seamless narrative of growth and transformation.
Future Considerations

As the project evolves, a key focus will be refining the spatial layout to enhance how visitors interact with and perceive the information. Given the density of content, future efforts will also involve streamlining and prioritizing key elements to create a more balanced and engaging experience for visitors. By narrowing down the content, the interaction can be made more intuitive, ensuring that the space remains informative yet accessible.

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